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Writer: Karys Hoekstra Karys Hoekstra

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

Foods that boost your health and all their amazing benefits. Some of my favorite staple ingredients.

These are just a few of my favorite foods that I have on a daily basis. I thought that it would be fun to write a post that included all the facts about each food and just how they nourish the body. I have a list of definitions for words you may not be familiar with, which I have included at the end of this post. In reality there is no one "superfood" that does it all and many of these by some standards are not superfoods but ones I feel carry amazing benefits.

Maca Root:

Maca usually comes in powder form and is an adaptogen with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (in fact it contains all 20 amino acids). It has properties that help enhance libido, fertility, and helps to balance hormones, lower stress, improve memory, and other benefits that improve your body's function. It contains iron that can benefit those struggling with adrenal fatigue. Maca has Vitamin B1, B2, C, E, and according to contains more calcium than milk. Because of its contents it also can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Chia seeds:

Chia seeds have loads of antioxidants which can help with free radicals in the body. My favorite thing about chia seeds is their aiding property in the digestive system. Because of the fiber that they contain and their omega-3 content, they are helpful in detoxification of the body.


Kale contains lutein and beta carotene which are key nutrients in the protection of our body from oxidative stress. Kale has ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) which is an omega-3 and gives it anti-inflammatory properties. Kale also increases your HDL (high density lipoprotein) levels which is the “good cholesterol” in your body and improves cardiovascular health. The benefits of kale are best absorbed in the body when consumed raw and steamed. Some nutrients are better absorbed when steamed and vise versa.

Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate (my favorite superfood) contains polyphenols which is an antioxidant. Like chia seeds, dark chocolate fights against free radicals. To reap the benefits of this delicious superfood its best to pick one that is at least 70% cacao or more. The richer the better.


Pasture-raised organic eggs are the most ideal eggs to consume. They have omega-3 fatty acids and carotenoids which are orange and red fatty pigments that can help improve eye health. Eggs also have gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which helps stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are orange and yellow pigments that block blue light from reaching the structure in the retina, reducing risk of light-induced oxidative damage that can cause eye degeneration. These also aid in cardiovascular health and lowering inflammation. A tip to knowing whether an egg is a good egg or a less nutrient dense one is the color of the yolk. The darker the yellow the more nutrients. The brighter the yellow the less nutrients they tend to have.


Bananas have gotten a bad rap for their high sugar content but they are quite the superfood of fruits. Besides their high sugar content these little yellow fruits of sweetness contain significant amounts of magnesium. Bananas are widely known for their potassium content but the magnesium content is much higher than potassium. In fact, if you are someone who deals with painful menstrual cramps bananas may just be what you need. While the potassium eases cramps, magnesium replenishes the minerals that the body loses during the menstrual cycle. They also don't have to be eaten to receive the benefits. Simply simmer some bananas with the skin on, cut the ends off, simmer in a pot of water for 20-30 minutes and enjoy a cup of sweet magnesium banana tea.


Avocado may not be considered a superfood to some but it is a staple in my diet and I wouldn't want to leave it out. Avocado is a source of monounsaturated oleic acid it lowers LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) and increases HDL. Monounsaturated fats are beneficial to your body which means you don't have to be afraid of the fat content in avocado because they do not contain polyunsaturated fats. If thats not a reason to eat avocados they also contain antioxidant carotenoids such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Which are all incredible for preventing cancer. Its a filling SUPERFOOD that lowers dangerous cholesterol (LDL), prevents cancer, fights off diabetes, makes your skin glow, and can even promote weight loss. If those aren't enough reasons to eat them I don't know what is.

Hemp seeds-

Hemp seeds are highly beneficial and easy to throw in every meal. With both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, all 20 amino acids (including the 9 extremely essential amino acids) hemp seeds are a great little superfood that aids digestion and is a complete protein. They are a good source of vitamin D which is an extremely common deficiency among most people. Gamma linoleic acid (GLA) which is cancer preventing, hormone balancing, and helps with premenstrual and menstrual symptoms. Hemp seeds are high in polyunsaturated fat which metabolizes well within the body as opposed to monounsaturated fat.


So, turmeric may be one of the most amazing superfoods out there. When someone I know isn't feeling their best, the solution I usually tend to suggest is turmeric and for a good reason. It is the root that is anti inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-aging, beneficial to cardiovascular health, and is incredible for your skin. Can it get any better? I was introduced to turmeric by my mom who had bought it in capsule form and all I knew was that it was good for my brain. I later was introduced to turmeric tea by my sister which at first I found repulsive. Turmeric’s strong flavor carries so many benefits such as anti-inflammatory enzymes such as cyclooxygenase-2, lipoxygenase, inducible nitric oxide synthase, to name a few. This can aid in fighting cancer, relieving symptoms of atherosclerosis, and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. As an antioxidant, turmeric reduces free-radicals and other toxins in the body. Turmeric has been known to bring a glow to your skin by increasing blood flow. All pretty good reasons you should add more of this golden spice to your life.


Kombucha the super-drink! Kombucha is a bacteria fermented beverage that contains loads or probiotics and is usually made with tea and apple cider vinegar. It aids digestion, promotes weight loss, increases energy, detoxifies, boosts immunity, relieve joint pain, and can prevent cancer. The neat thing about kombucha is that there are typically millions of live bacteria in one serving. Most batches of kombucha contain the following bacteria: Gluconacetobacter, Acetobacter, Lactobacillus, and Zygosaccharomyces. These bacteria together create a healing and disease fighting combination. They are apathogen bacteria which counteract pathogens harmful affect on the digestive track. Kombucha has antioxidants, B-vitamins, enzymes, and a high acid concentration. Although some may think that the acidity content is harmful it has the opposite effect. The acid helps to alkalinize your body and works to improve your gut health.


  • adaptogen- a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress and to exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes

  • Adrenal-a pair of ductless glands situated above the kidneys

  • libido- sexual desire

  • free radicals- an especially reactive atom or group of atoms that has one or more unpaired electrons; especially : one that is produced in the body by natural processes or introduced from an outside source. Can damage cells, proteins, and DNA.

  • lutein-a deep yellow pigment of the xanthophyll class, found in the leaves of plants, in egg yolk, and in the corpus luteum

  • beta carotene- a reddish-orange pigment that is an an isomer of carotene and can be converted into vitamin A in the body

  • alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)-is an omega-3 fatty acid

  • High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)-a lipoprotein composed of a high proportion of protein with little triglyceride and cholesterol and that is correlated with reduced risk of atherosclerosis : good cholesterol

  • Low Density Lipoprotein LDL- Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, commonly referred to as 'bad' cholesterol. Elevated LDL levels are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Lipoproteins, which are combinations of fats (lipids) and proteins, are the form in which lipids are transported in the blood.

  • antioxidant- substances that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals

  • polyphenols-Polyphenols are the most common antioxidants. help fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals

  • GLA- is an omega- 6 fatty acid

  • Zeaxanthin- is one of the two primary xanthophyll carotenoids contained within the retina of the eye

  • Alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin- all carotenoids but beta-carotene converts into vitamin A the most efficiently

  • Gluconacetobacter, Acetobacter, Lactobacillus, and Zygosaccharomyces- are all highly acidic bacteria that are usually found in alcoholic substances that together are capable of balancing pH levels

That's a wrap! There are so many more superfoods that I wanted to include in this blog but I had to narrow it down. I chose the ones I currently use on a daily basis. I hope this inspires you to incorporate more of these items into your lifestyle and you learned about the amazing benefits of these superfoods.


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