Turning negative thoughts into positive ones. The power of verbalization. How your mindset and ATTITUDE changes everything.

Turning negative thoughts into positive ones. The power of verbalization. How your mindset and ATTITUDE changes everything.
I can tell you first hand that I have transformed my negative mindset to be a positive one and it changed my life. I am living proof that your thoughts become you. My thoughts have taken me down roads that no one should have to go down. Although sometimes I fall into that same old way of thinking, I am able to pick myself back up and remember that my thoughts have the power to become me. So I have chosen to live life with an optimistic mind.
It is safe to say that we have all heard it once or twice, that attitude is everything. But how many of us actually take it to heart? The great thing about attitude is the control you have over it. We do not have the luxury of controlling most things in our lives but attitude is one we do control. You can choose to go through life being a pessimist or you can choose to be an optimist. It's as simple as that.
A different perspective:
From the wise words of a woman I once met, "I have chosen to look at life and say, look at what life has given me and not what at has happened to me. Simply looking at our struggles as something that has been given to us, changes everything."
When I heard these words I saw everything so differently. She was right. Most will choose to say, "this happened to me" but by changing the way you look at the situation you can take what has been given to you and you have more control over how you react to every situation. Life is 10% of what is given to us and 90% of how we react to it. Having an optimistic perspective on life allows you to take what life gives you and turn it in to a blessing.
Power of suggestion:
The power of suggestion can inhibit you from having a positive outlook on the situation. Verbal suggestion has the power to change your attitude. Your brain is extremely powerful. Everything your body does starts with signals that are sent from your brain. When you say things out loud your body and brain begin to think that way to. If you constantly tell yourself you're not good enough everything your body does will reflect that. If you have negative thoughts about anything, redirect the thoughts and try not to say them out loud. This will make a use difference.
Affecting those around you:
Having a negative mindset affects others around you. I think what made it the hardest to overcome a negative mindset was the negative people around me. I had surrounded myself with friends who were negative 24/7. Everything that came out of their mouth was a complaint. When you surround yourself with people who are close minded you are bound to become the same way. It wasn't until I decided to limit my time with these friends that I finally passed my plateau of depressing thoughts. When I became more positive, I started to attract more positive people in my life. The friends I had gained had good things to say and weren't looking to bring me down either. Just this minor change makes a huge difference in the way you look at life.
Staying positive:
I am going to be honest, I fall into the trap of negativity often. It isn't always easy to see things with an open mind. Life happens and it will get you down. Let life affect you right when it happens. However, if something happens in your life, big or small, it will affect you in some way or another. Lets face it, we are all human. If you attempt to use optimism to pretend that something is not affecting you, eventually you will breakdown. Don't try to push feelings aside just to maintain a positive mindset. It is okay to feel disappointment, anger, frustration, sadness; deal with the situation right there and then. Otherwise, those feelings have the ability to build up and turn into negativity.
I am going to leave you with this: Life is not about what happens to you but rather, how you react to it. You have the power to turn your life around with an open mind and positivity.